Great Show! Even though the weather was terrible the show was still a success. There were lots of obstacles to overcome from the tornado warning to one of the judges becoming very ill at the last minute, but we bounced back better than ever. I had a good time showing my weanling and my mare. Didn't place all that well, but we still had fun. Since I am a fair weather rider, I didn't practice very much this winter, I got my just reward so I won't complain. I had turned my mare out for the winter. Last year was the first year I did that and even though she came back looking fat, it was more of a grass gut than being heavy. Her hair was long and course and she took about 6 weeks to come back looking good and healthy again. This year...even though the winter was even more harsh, she came back as good as ever. She has only been up for about 3 weeks and is almost as good as when we turned her out. I think she is happier being able to take a break from the stall. I always feel that way too when we come back from a long trail ride. Anything to give them a break from the routine seems to keep them from souring from the show ring.