I hope everyone has their shopping list finished. If you do then you are not like me and just now thinking about it. Now, the weather man is forecasting rain and snow and that will probably knock out the last minute shopping trip :o).
Don't forget your animals during the busy time of the holidays. With traveling, the snow, and just plain miserable cold sometimes we would rather just snuggle by the fire and not get out, but remember you have animals that depend on you for their life. We enjoy their company in fair weather, (if you are like me, I call myself a fair weather rider... in fact I have turned my mares out until spring :o) so let them know you care, by being there for them when it is so cold out. Plenty of good grass hay will help keep them warm. The more they eat and utilize the energy the warmer they will be able to keep their body. Also, just because it is not hot out and they are not drinking as much water, you still need to make sure they have plenty of fresh water. You may have to break or dump the ice from the bucket a few times a day. Take care of your animals and they will make better, more healthy companions.
I hope everyone has a joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I am thinking positive and really feel 2010 will be better than ever! Enjoy your families during the holidays, as a friend once told me "make memories".
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