I hope everyone is heading south (a little further south) to the horse show in Fletcher, North Carolina. At the end of show season, I am so looking forward to some time at home and just chillen, (not literally) but come spring I start getting that feeling of wanting to hit the road again. I look forward to seeing everyone, friends that we haven't seen for a few months, seeing all the new faces and horses. We have always followed a show circuit around since I was a small child. Our old family doctor always joked with my mom that we were just a bunch of gypsie, but I love the drives and seeing different places and people. Of course my husband says I miss so much scenery because I read the whole way. He is right on that point, but I love to read and because I stay so busy I do not have time unless I am confined to the point that I can't do anything else. :o)
Anyway, the Al Prewitt Memorial Horse show kicks off the season and this year the dates for the show are April 2nd and 3rd. This is a two day show, at the same place, but it will be treated as two triple A shows for the points. So, if you are interested in accumulating a title for your horse these shows are very important to attend. Make plans to attend, and I hope to see you there!
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